My most recent focus has been tidying up the website. The original design was really basic, and was essentially me trying to stand on my own two feet with the HTML code. While it was functional, it wasn’t pretty, so I looked into themes to spruce things up. GitHub Pages work with Jekyll and Markdown, with Ruby in the back end, all of which are new to me. After a lot of research, I found I’d detoured from the standard setup early on, so I was learning and troubleshooting all at once.
In addition to the programming languages, I’m also still getting the hang of GitHub, so I was also having trouble with changes that were working locally not showing up live. The learning curve has been steep, but here I am with a flattening landscape and a tidy new-look website.
Additionally, I am testing my FitBit clockface in the field by actually wearing it on my wrist. So far, so good! I had to tweak a couple of things to get it working outside the simulator, and it will need work to generalise it sufficiently for upload to the FitBit Store for use by others, but I’m quite pleased with the results.
I’m also working on an Arduino project, which will get it’s own post soon. The brief is to monitor the temperature and humidity inside a sealed box and communicate the results outside via wireless. I’m currently using an Arduino Pro Mini equivalent with a DHT11 sensor, which is providing readings, however the most efficient way to add the wireless capability is to go with a different microcontroller that has wireless inbuilt, and there’s a version of the DHT11 sensor that plugs directly to the new microcontroller. The new setup will be tidy and compact, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on the hardware, especially now that the website is sorted.